Monday 11 March 2013

PTSD in academia

An internet friend of mine recently posted this meditation on PTSD and the ways it influences their research activities. Suffice to say: if your brain suddenly goes on leave for a few days, and obliterates any short-term memory for you, it's hard and requires conscious strategies to keep up projects that take a long time to bring around.

The post also articulates how utterly petrifying it can be to try and talk about these issues when an early-career academic. Me, I just hope that nothing I write here will be immediately disqualifying when a hiring committee decides on my potential as a candidate. My friend points out that writing candidly about their experiences may just potentially obliterate their career — when future employers find the text and read it.

We need to be able to take care of our members.
I have no idea how to combine this with the reality of the academic job market.


  1. Wow, wonderful post (umm, sorry Mikael, by the blogger, not you on this occasion.

    "We need to be able to take care of our members.
    I have no idea how to combine this with the reality of the academic job market."


    The only answer I have is protecting anonymity and informed consent.

    Meaning, anonymous comments are allowed and if people (anonymously or not) send us guest posts we can post them with pseudonyms or just as anonymous.

    On informed consent, I think we just have to be open: if putting this out there scares you, maybe you shouldn't do it. I can't say there will never be negative impact on you if you put personally identifiable stuff out there.

  2. Hi Mikael! Glad you thought the post was worth linking to. As a slight note, I'm okay with y'all mentioning my actual name when you reference me & my blog. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose that both of ya elided it.

    -- Wm. Caylee Hogg

  3. Caylee, I didn't elide it, I just didn't know what it was! But I think I've figured it out now though :-)

    Great post though, thanks.


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